Car Model

8C 2300

8C 2300

Model: 8C 2300
Production Years: 1931 - 1932
Model Details: The Alfa Romeo 8C won the 1931 Italian Grand Prix at Monza.

Alfa Romeo

Make: Alfa Romeo
Country: Italy
Information: Alfa Romeo was founded in 1906, has been involved in car racing since 1911, and has a reputation for building high priced sports cars.

Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Releases (4)

Alfa Romeo 8C
Released: 1995 - 1 Service Sheet
None Red Cars
Alfa Romeo 8C
Released: 1992 1993 1994 - 1 Service Sheet
1 Blue Cars
Alfa Romeo 8C
Released: 1982 1983 - 0 Service Sheets
Various Blue Cars
Alfa Romeo 8C
Released: 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1971 - 0 Service Sheets
Various Blue Cars

Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Images (4)

Alfa Romeo 8C
Alfa Romeo 8C None

Alfa Romeo 8C
Alfa Romeo 8C 1

Alfa Romeo 8C
Alfa Romeo 8C Various

Alfa Romeo 8C
Alfa Romeo 8C Various

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