Car Details

Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb

United States

Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb

Years Released: 1994 1995 (Item Year pages)
Item released for 2 years.

Car: Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb
Number: 7
Information: Length - 5" - 127mm.
Category: Cars
Category Details: Classic cars from all eras.
Car Category: Rally
Car Category Details: Point to point auto racing over many different terrains.
Base Colour: Red

Colour Details: Various shades of red.
All Colours: Red, Blue, Yellow
Logo & Box Style:

1994 1995

1994 1995
Make: Ford
Logo: Ford Logo
Logo Years: Since 1927
Make Details: Ford revolutionised car production by expanding and refining the car assembly line concept in the early 1900’s.
Make Country: United States
Model: Escort Mark V
Escort Mark V
Model Details: The Escort Mk V was constructed with only a minimum amount of changes from the Mk III model.
Model Production Years: 1986 - 1990

Item Ranking:
Current: 476 - December 2023
Previous: 437 - November 2023
Movement: (-39)

Car Year Details (2)

1994 C.471 Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb 1994
1995 C.471 Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb 1995

All Colours (3)

Red Various shades of red. Red
Blue Various shades of mid blue. Blue
Yellow Various shades of yellow. Yellow

Item Year Information

1994 There are few people who cannot fail to be impressed and excited by the mud splattering, engine straining, wheel spinning races of Rally Cross. From the moment that the flag is dropped the cars scream off in unison, each one hoping to obtain the advantage of being the leader. This year has seen Barry Squibb's Escort Cosworth up amongst the winners with his car proudly showing the Scalextric colours and logo. It is therefore, no surprise that one of the new models for 1994 is a model of Barry's Cosworth.

Service Sheets (0)


Catalogue Images (2)

C.471 - Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb - 1994
C.471 Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb - 1994

C.471 - Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb - 1995
C.471 Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb - 1995

Ford Escort Cosworth - Barry Squibb on ebay US

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